Google Calendar Cheat Sheet

We built a comprehensive Google Calendar cheat sheet for you. It contains a reference of useful functions and good to know tips. Click here to download a printable PDF version of the cheat sheet.

Create New Event

There are three different ways to create a new event:

  1. Click the “Create” button in Google Calendar to add a new event.Create new Google Calendar event
  2. Quick add a new event by clicking on the day. Add title and time into the text field. The time fields will be filled automatically based on the time in the text.Quick add Google Calendar event
  3. Use Google Search by typing a text starting with “calendar”. For example “calendar meeting 10am” Use Google Search to add Google Calendar event

View Event Details

Click on an event to view event details like video call link, notification settings or the guest list. Use the top icons on the popup to edit, delete or print the event.

Google Calendar Event Details

Edit & Copy Event

To edit an event, click the pen “✎” on the detail popup or double click the event in the calendar view.

Edit Google Calendar event


  • When inviting guests, click “Find Time” in the tab-bar to find an available time slot for all your guests.
  • Adding a location for physical meetings will show guests a link to Google Maps.

Add Video/Voice Call to Event

Google Calendar has built-in support for free video/voice meetings and public video streaming.

  • Select “Hangouts Meet” when adding a new event in the “Video Conference” section. Guests can click the link to join the video call.
  • Owners of “G Suite Enterprise” can add a public video streaming event for up to 100,000 people. To start, add a “Hangouts Meet” call and then click “Manage Details” ⇒ “Add live stream”.
  • 3rd party video meetings integrations can be downloaded from the Google Apps marketplace at

Recover Deleted Events

Click the “⚙️” icon in the top right corner of Google Calendar. Then select “Trash” to recover previous deleted events.

Google Calendar Actions

See Multiple Calendars

Activate the “Day” view and select multiple calendars in the left toolbar section to see them side-by-side.

Google Calendar side-by-side view


Unfortunately, it’s only possible to view up to five calendars at once. That’s why we created TeamCal – A beautiful scheduling view to see many calendars at once. Learn more about the benefits or try TeamCal for free.

TeamCal - Before & After

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Navigation
    •  p  Previous,  n  Next period
    •  t  Jump to today
  • Event Actions
    •  c  Create new event
    •  q  Quick add an event on the current day
    •  e  Edit selected event
    •  DELETE  or  BACKSPACE  Delete event
  • General
    •  CTRL  +  p  Print view
    •  s  Calendar settings
    •  CTRL  +  z  Undo last action
    •  ?  Show all shortcuts

Add New or Existing Calendar

Additional calendars can be added at any time. Click “+” next to “Other calendar” in the left toolbar section to start.

Google Calendar - Add new calendar actions
1. Add New

To add a new, empty calendar click “Create new calendar”. New calendars are perfect to use for project specific calendars or to create a vacation planner.

2. Add Existing

Click “Subscribe to calendar” to add an existing calendar of another person. On the next screen, type the name or email address of the person into the “Add calendar” text-box.

Add existing Google Calendar
3. Add Public Holiday or Sports Calendar

Google Calendar has a built-in collection of public holidays, religious and sports calendars. Click “Browser calendars of interest” to add such a built-in calendar.

Google Calendar: built-in holidays calendars

Downloadable Cheat Sheet

PDF File Icon Google Calendar Cheat Sheet (PDF)

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