What’s new – November Edition


Just in time for Thanksgiving, we released a bunch of frequently asked updates. As usual, we are always trying to improve TeamCal to give you a better experience. So, let us know if you have any feedback and drop us an email at info@teamcalapp.com.

All day event filter

Highlight out of office or vacation events faster by using the all day event filter. This new filter will only show Google Calendar events having the “All Day” property set.

TeamCal, All-day Google Calendar event filter

Rich text editor for descriptions

Google introduced formatted event descriptions with the new Google Calendar design. Now you can see and change those formatted descriptions directly within TeamCal. Change the font style, add a list or link by using the editor toolbar.

TeamCal, rich text editor for Google Calendar event description

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Tanisha Guthrie
    November 18, 2020 8:27 pm

    Any plans to integrate with Zoom or Google Meet for virtual events? This is something we have enabled on our Google Calendar instance.

  • Is it possible to remove all-day events? When items like holidays or PTO requests are calendared for multiple people it makes it hard to view the calendar of multiple people with so many all-day events. It would be great to be able to remove all all-day events


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